
Understanding coral reefs'

CRIOBE’s studies are structured around four strategic programs.

Strategic Program 1

Chemical interactions & mediations

Strategic Program 2

Reef life in a changing world

Strategic Program 3

Functional ecology & ecosystem services

Strategic Program 4

Management of social-ecological systems

Studying the interactions and chemical communication among coral reef organisms to better understand the role that chemicals and olfactory components play in the structure and functioning of coral reefs, as well as the impact of environmental changes on chemical processes. Learn more

Describing, understanding and anticipating the changes that reef organisms will face in the coming years for scientifically-sound conservation management, restoration, and coastal planning decisions. Learn more

Understanding the local and global factors that enable coral reefs to provide vital services to humans, assessing their vulnerability to anthropogenic and climatic pressures, and studying their resilience capacity. Learn more

Improving our understanding of the key drivers and most influential internal linkages at play within coral reef social ecosystems in order to lay the foundation for effective decision-making. Learn more