Strategic Program 4
Management of social-ecological systems
- Coordinator: Joachim Claudet
- Co-coordinator: Eric Clua
- Technical Platforms: SNO CORAIL, SEE-Moorea, Plongée, Biologie, Enquêtes
- Program
- Projects
- Members
- News
Program 4’s goal is to improve our understanding of the key drivers and most influential internal linkages at play within coral reef social ecosystems in order to lay the foundation for effective decision-making.
People derive many benefits from coral reef ecosystems, including food, coastal protection, income and cultural identity. As a result, humans directly or indirectly modify coral reefs and are therefore important drivers of ecosystem change. Increased human activities in many parts of the world, coupled with other disturbances such as extreme weather events and crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks, have raised concerns about the ability of systems to continue to provide the services on which people depend. This has led to a growing awareness that effective management of human activities is not only about conserving biodiversity, but is the foundation for maintaining food security, community well-being and sustainable development.
Effective management that balances the use of natural resources and the conservation of ecosystems is a daunting challenge that requires a new, integrated set of management tools and approaches.
- POLYCONE (1/1/2020)
- Reef services (1/1/2017)
- Hybrid governance and resilience (1/1/2017)
- BLUE FINANCE (1/1/2016)
- ACROSS (1/1/2015)

- Short term contract: Ethnobiologist / Anthropologist (1/02/2022)
- 50 years of research on coral reefs at the University of Perpignan (29/01/2022)
- The “Fête de la Science” – 2020 (24/12/2021)
- French Polynesia, champion of reef shark conservation in the world (24/12/2021)
- Day of “Research Conferences” – 2021 (15/12/2021)
- Communs et océan. Le rahui en Polynésie (3/05/2019)
- Les atolls du Pacifique face au changement climatique. Une comparaison Tuamotu – Kiribati (2/12/2016)