

Since January 1st, 2019, a new management has been implemented after 12 years under the direction of Serge Planes, Research Director at CNRS. This new management includes a new governance scheme relying on different bodies:

  • A Unit Director and a Deputy Unit Director to cover the 3 major missions of Research, Academic Training and Research Services. The Unit Director is in direct contact with the representatives of the Supervisory Authorities.
  • A General Assembly (GA). Given the configuration on 2 very distant sites, an adaptation was made to meet the regulatory need to perform 3 GAs per year. Every February, a short AG video-conference launches the year with the simultaneous participation of the two sites. In June, a one-day AG, duplicated in Moorea and Perpignan, enables people to take stock of the scientific progress of the CRIOBE program. Finally, around November, a half-day AG allows us to go through resources, balance sheets and budget requests. This last session is also duplicated on each site.
  • A Board of Directors. It is the steering body of CRIOBE. It is made up of the main functions of the unit, which are i) research, ii) teaching, iii) sites and technical platforms, iv) tools (LabEx CORAIL, Observation Service, IRCP). The Board of Directors meets by video every month and on an ad hoc basis at the request of its members. A generic mailing-list allows exchanges between two sessions of the Board.

Board Members

Managing Directors

Director of CRIOBE

Directeur Unité & Chercheur permanent
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Perpignan

Deputy director

Directeur adjoint & Enseignant Chercheur permanent
Affiliation : UPVD
Localisation : Perpignan

Strategic Research Program Managers

Enseignante Chercheuse permanente
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Perpignan
Chercheuse permanente
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Moorea
Enseignant Chercheur permanent
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Perpignan
Chercheur permanent
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Paris

Technical site managers


Ingénieur – Plateau technique
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Perpignan


Ingénieur – Plateau technique
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Moorea

Teaching managers

Enseignant Chercheur permanent
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Perpignan
Directeur adjoint & Enseignant Chercheur permanent
Affiliation : UPVD
Localisation : Perpignan

Tools managers

Chercheur permanent
Affiliation : EPHE, CNRS
Localisation : Perpignan, Moorea
Enseignante Chercheuse permanente
Affiliation : UPVD
Localisation : Perpignan
Chercheur permanent
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Perpignan


Ingénieur – Soutien administratif
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Perpignan
Assistant ingénieur - Soutien administratif
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Moorea