Strategic Program 2

Reef life in a changing world

Program 2 aims to describe, understand and anticipate the changes that reef organisms will face in the coming years. The lessons learned from this research will provide a sound scientific basis to inform conservation management, restoration and coastal planning decisions.

Humans have a profound impact on our planet. Coral reefs are at the forefront of this change, and there is no longer any doubt that coral reefs as we know them could disappear before the next century. Even though we are now reducing CO2 emissions, rapid climate change is already underway. The frequency, intensity and diversity of environmental changes today pose a direct threat to the survival of reef organisms. Climate change is not the only driver of environmental change: coastal development has transformed the coasts and is becoming a phenomenon of particular concern for coral reefs. In this context, it is critical to monitor the future of species, identify the biological mechanisms that modify their diversity and assess the adaptive capacity of reef organisms.

Chercheur permanent en accueil au CRIOBE
Affiliation : IRD
Localisation : Perpignan
Technicien – Plateau technique
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Perpignan
Chercheur non permanent
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Perpignan
Technicien – Plateau technique
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Moorea
Ingénieur – Soutien administratif
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Perpignan
Ingénieur – Plateau technique
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Moorea
Zoologiste en accueil au CRIOBE
Affiliation : MNHN
Localisation : Paris
Enseignant Chercheur permanent
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Perpignan
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Perpignan
Chercheuse non permanente
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Moorea
Technicien – Plateau technique
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Moorea
Technicien – Plateau technique
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Perpignan
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Perpignan
Ingénieur - Plateau technique
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Moorea
Chercheur non permanent
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Moorea
Enseignante Chercheure permanente
Affiliation : UPVD
Localisation : Perpignan
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Moorea
Chercheuse permanente
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Moorea
Assistant ingénieur – Plateau technique
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Moorea
Assistant ingénieur – Plateau technique
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Perpignan
Technicien - Plateau technique
Affiliation : UPVD
Localisation : Perpignan
Ingénieur – Plateau Technique
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Moorea
Chercheur permanent
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Moorea
Affiliation : EPHE
Localisation : Moorea
Technicien – Plateau technique
Affiliation : CNRS
Localisation : Moorea