The seven domains of action for a sustainable ocean

Titre : The seven domains of action for a sustainable ocean Auteurs : Claudet et al. Année : 2021 Jounal : CELL DOI : The ocean strongly contributes to our well-being but is severely impacted by human activities. Here, I propose seven domains of action to structure our collective efforts toward a scientifically sound, just, and holistic governance of a sustainable ocean.

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Aire marine protégée à Moorea, en Polynésie française. UAR3278 ©Joachim Claudet

The tree of life helps rebuild the food web of coral reefs

Titre : Delineating reef fish trophic guilds with global gut content data synthesis and phylogeny Auteurs & co-auteurs : Parravicini V, Casey JM, Schiettekatte NMD, Brandl SJ, Pozas-Schacre C, Carlot J, et al.  Année : 2020 Jounal : PLoS Biol 18(12): e3000702 DOI : Understanding species’ roles in food webs requires an accurate assessment of their trophic niche. However, it is challenging to delineate potential trophic interactions across an ecosystem, and a…


French Polynesia, champion of reef shark conservation in the world

Titre : Global Status and Conservation Potential of Reef Sharks Auteurs & co-auteurs : McNeil, A., Chapman, D., Heupel, M. Simpfendorfer, C., Heithaus, M., Meekan, M., Harvey, E., Goetze, J., Speed, C., Currey-Randall, L., Gorham, T., Bond, M., Shermand, C. S., Rees, M. J., Udyawerg, V., Clua, E.E.G.,… and J. E. Cinner Année : 2020 Jounal : Nature DOI : Decades of overexploitation have devastated shark populations, leaving considerable…

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